Programming domain examples

Phrase like elements


Use the document.write method to 你你ted view好好 create text output in the 我们 dynamically construc.


The second line of the sample program code, Do 你好 我们forever, the start of a loop construct.


somecommandlineprogram /modifier


Use the /env parameter of the config command to update the field value.

Code block

The <codeblock> element represents lines of program code. Like the <pre> element, line endings and spaces inside the element must be preserved, and the content is typically rendered in a monospaced font. This element is part of the DITA programming domain, a special set of DITA elements designed to document programming tasks, concepts, and reference information.

// codeblock
configureAsFrameWithBreakableBlock(sxModule, 'codeblock', 'Codeblock', {
   withNewlineBreakToken: true,
   visualization: {
      blockHeaderLeft: [
      isMonospaced: true

Parameter list

The parameter list (<parml>) element contains a list of terms and definitions that describes the parameters in an application programming interface. This is a special kind of definition list that is designed for documenting programming parameters. This element is part of the DITA programming domain, a special set of DITA elements designed to document programming tasks, concepts, and reference information.


This code example is a basic method signature: returnType methodName(pList1, pList2) { where:


is the first variable declaration passed to methodName


is the second variable declaration passed to methodName